Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Islamic Center of Old Bridge, New Jersey

Tuesday - Islamic Institution in USA Series

  • Masjid offers the 5 time daily prayers and Jummah, Taraweeh, Eid, Nikah, Aqeeqa, Funerals and all other religious services that are needed by the community.

  • Each week, over a thousand Muslims benefit from services and over 500 attend Jummah prayers.

  • ICOB Academy with Grades Pre-K3 through 6 has started.

  • Sunday School successfully operating for the past 6 years.

  • Qur’an Reading School teaches our young to read the Qur’an and Islamic Etiquettes in the afternoon hours (after school) and on Saturdays.

  • In December 2008, the Darul Qur'an Academy started functioning where children (and adults) can learn to recite (Tahfeez) and memorize (Hifz) the Qur'an under the directions of a qualified sheikh.

  • The Summer School program is very popular during which the students are engaged in educational enrichment, Islamic education and physical and recreational activities.

  • Carnival events and Bazaar are a regular feature of ICOB. Young and old come to enjoy this family event.

  • The ICOB Annual Health Fair provides health screening and medical advice to the community.

  • ICOB helps the needy Muslims from our community through the Zakaat fund.
  • ICOB maintains cemetery plots and arranges funeral services.

Source: ICOB